I plan to start a new RO-DBT group on Zoom video platform, Wednesdays from 4-5:30p, starting December 8th, 2021.

The entire group content is approximately 6 months long and ideally a person starting this group would be able to attend the full curriculum. Some people find going through the content more than once to be helpful. The group will be 1.5 hours in length and be a combination of psycho-education, practicing skills and sharing about how the skills are working outside of the group. The major content areas that are covered: mindfulness, emotion regulation, radical openness and interpersonal effectiveness.
As this is a psycho-educational group, it is important that individuals attending have an individual therapist that they can connect with regarding issues that need more time/attention than during the group session. Cost per group session is $50 and may be partially covered by insurance. If you have specific questions about how your therapy goals may apply, please contact me- Rhonda Allenger, 509-850-0408 or allengerdt@gmail.com
I am including a brief description of the model below.
Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT)-
Evidence based treatment that targets disorders characterized by overcontrol RO-DBT focuses on targeting biotemperment. People with overcontrol challenges are “threat sensitive” meaning their bodies sense the negative rather than the positive first.
This model defines psychological health as having three major features:
· Receptivity and Openness to new experiences and feedback.
· Flexible Control in order to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
· Intimacy and social connectedness- with at least one other person.
(The human species depends on each other for survival.)
People that engage in RO-DBT therapy focus growth in the following areas:
· Genuine emotional expression
· Increasing the ability to see the big picture, not getting lost in detail
· Exploring and loosening of rules that may not serve you any longer
· Increasing comfort with developing and maintaining close relationships
· Letting go of unhelpful social comparisons, envy and bitterness